One Night Stand | Motorhead |

One Night Stand

Testo One Night Stand

One lucky devil that‘s me, gonna be my brand new rose,
Don‘t you look good I swear honey,
Show it wherever you go,
Talking, looking & thinking,
Keep me happy all day,
Love me tender, let me remember
When I get old & grey.

Love, at first sight, love with a travelling man,
I been a slut all my life,
Wish every night was a one-night stand.

You got a beautiful smile, the story of my poor life,
One look‘s worth a thousand words,
And that‘s the truth alright
Moving, touching & breathing,
Just trying to make some time,
Loving you honey, don‘t want your money,
Either your place or mine.

Love, at first sight, love with a travelling man,
I been a slut all my life,
Wish every night was a one-night stand.

Into your town like thunder, invasion of noise,
Come on down, stick around,
But honey don‘t bring no boys,
Crawling out of the badlands,
To rock the shape of your worlds
You‘ll see us seldom, so make us welcome,
I love American girls.

Love, at first sight, love with a travelling man,
I been a slut all my life,
Wish every night was a one-night stand.

Love, at first sight, love with a travelling man,
I been a slut all my life,
Wish every night was a one-night stand.

Love, at first sight, love with a travelling man,
I been a slut all my life,
Wish every night was a one-night stand.

Playlist Spotify

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